When I was invited to join in on a 10 on 10 group over at The Bloom Forum earlier this week I jumped at the chance not only because I love the idea of personal projects but because this is a group full of AMAZING photographers and therefore I just had to say yes.
Also, what a great month to start. I mean really…October…Halloween…this is SO GOOD, right?
What is a 10 on 10? Well, it's when you take 10 pictures from one day or one event from your life that month and document it then post it on the 10th. We all link to one another so you can go check out all the other amazing lifestyle photographers in this circle. Kind of a "get to know you" over the internet. LOVE. So here goes…
Yesterday felt like the perfect day to go look at Halloween costumes. The boys refused to wear anything but their skeleton pajama tops so what the heck it just felt right plus Target was on the way home from school (bonus).
We spent most of our time in the styrofoam wig aisle. HELLO AWESOME.
The boys were a little scared of everything but I'm guessing that's because they are two and their sister was in their face with the mask from that movie I can never remember its name. You'll recognize it.
I digress.
So the whole time we are there I'm terrified I'm gonna get hauled off to prison because I'm snapping picks with my big old dslr. Typically I do not take pictures anywhere I do not have permission. Mainly because I'm a Nervous Nellie about that kind of stuff and I've heard of photographers getting kicked out of Target for this very thing.
I was so close to telling Maddie to fill the cart and we'd take pictures at home. This close.
Just as I'm packing up around the corner comes two security guards. Seriously. I'm sweating bullets.
It doesn't help that Maddie's screaming at me to take her picture. I start slowly pushing the cart and they follow me but then make a turn into another aisle. My heart finally stopped pounding out of my chest.
If anyone wants to turn me in to the Target police…please don't. I at least took the kid sitting on the big red ball outside picture and used your name in my blog post for credit.
Please don't come get me.
Happy Halloween (I mean October) everyone!
Now follow our circle via the link and go see the amazing Margaret Albaugh of Margaret Albaugh Photography.