Waiting. Oftentimes I feel myself waiting. Waiting for a table, waiting for a child to rest, waiting for that next season in life, waiting for that next person to reaffirm I am good enough. I am only human and we all are guilty of it.
The past month I have been really invested in mentoring and classes and, more importantly, opening my heart to myself. For a long time there was something in my head that kept questioning the path I was on with my photography. I began to criticize my work for not being clean enough, posed enough, popular enough. For a long time, I have literally been beating myself up.
Today was Father's Day and as we usually do try not to do too much. We want to enjoy the day without much chaos. This is the Season we are in as a family. As we were waiting to be seated I wanted to document it. I wanted to show others exactly how I see my family right now. We are busy. We aren't perfect. We are real. We are waiting.
I know no other way to shoot. It is intentional, but also comes with great ease to show real life in all its chaos. The good times, the crazy times, and yes, even the difficult times.
This man who we celebrated today has been by my side throughout my long journey behind the camera. He has always had faith in me and what I want to convey in my art. Today we celebrate him and his love for us. I definitely could not do all I do without him by my side.
The other day I saw this prayer that was just what I needed to hear.
"Lord, cure us of Waiting Room Addiction:
Waiting for the next season of life to say it's good enough.
Waiting for the next number on a scale to say we're okay enough.
Waiting for the next dream, the next house, the next step up, the next bend in the road, before we finally think we've arrived at contentment. Forgive us, Lord, of our Waiting Room Addiction, addicted to always thinking we are in a Waiting Room, waiting outside of Real Life -- when Real Life is Happening. Right. Now.
And You are the One waiting for us to give You thanks for the room we're living in: The Miracle of Now.
Wake us up out of our Waiting Room Addiction -- and cure us with Thanksgiving, show us how we have room in our lives to give thanks to You right now -- for the Gift of NOW."
Ann Voskamp

Happy Father's Day to all those Dad's that are by our sides...waiting.